Thursday, April 26, 2007

You're Fired - Dia de los Muertos

"You're Fired"
Dia de los Muertos

I'm not projecting any death wishes on anyone. It's just that some characters shout out to be drawn. This will be # 15 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Oh Baby Baby - Dia de los Muertos

"Oh Baby Baby"
Dia de los Muertos

A little bitty school uniform on a pretty big girl. This will be #14 on the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Tia Maria - Dia de los Muertos

"Tia Maria"
Dia de los Muertos

This was just a fun one. It will be #13 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and Watercolor.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Toothache - Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos

Today I had a tooth pulled. This is a reflection of how I felt. This will be #12 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sheriff - Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos

I had fun doing the plaid shirt. This one is a sheriff flanked by some large cactus. This will be #11 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Faux Stained Glass

I live in a townhome with a strict HOA in charge. We are not allowed to change our windows, but I AM allowed to change the window treatments as long as they are not offensive. This is my faux stained glass window treatment. I used a roll of thick plastic, cut into rectangles, and painted with glass paints and trimmed with stick-on leading lines. After the sections were painted, I punched holes and hung them with "s" hooks. It gives me a bit of privacy from the prying eyes of neighbors, but also allows the sun to shine in.

The plants still get enough light and the cat still loves to lay on the windowsill.

It looks pretty nice from the outside too!

Click on the image to see a larger version.

La Reina - Dia de los Muertos

"La Reina"
Dia de los Muertos

The Queen flanked by two pineapple sceptors. This is #10 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rainy Day - Dia de los Muertos

"Rainy Day"
Dia de los Muertos

This will be #9 in the Every Day Art Project. We were expecting some rain in Denver that day, and I own a terrific yellow slicker that was given to me by my daughter.

Pen and watercolor

Easter Basket

"Easter Basket"

This was created on the evening before Easter, along with the previous painting. I was missing my daughter, who has moved to Canada to live with her boyfriend. I had sent them an Easter package, but it didn't make it in time. And I had no reason to dye eggs, since I am vegan. So I was creating my own little basket. This will be #8 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Easter Bonnet - Dia de los Muertos

"Easter Bonnet"
Dia de los Muertos

This is #7 in the Every Day Art Project. It is a lady with her Easter Bonnet. I created this one on the eve of Easter.

Pen and watercolor.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Sgt Welsh - Dia de los Muertos

"Sgt Welsh"
Dia de los Muertos

Several years ago I bought a wonderful cap at a surplus store in Massachusettes. It has the emblem for the R.A.F. and the former owner wrote his name: Sgt Welsh. I love this cap. This will be #6 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Repose - Dia de los Muertos

"Repose" - Dia de los Muertos

A lady on her settee. This idea was taken from a print that I have hanging in my bathroom. Of course, my print is of a living woman, but it was such an old painting that I'm certain the woman is now amongst los muertos. This is also #5 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Presidential - Dia de los Muertos

"Presidential" - Dia de los Muertos

Not that this is anyone in particular. It is however, #4 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Notre Dame Cruiser - Dia de los Muertos

"Notre Dame Cruiser"
Dia de los Muertos

This one is in tribute to a devoted Notre Dame fan.
It is #3 in the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

April Fool's Dia de los Muertos

April Fool's Dia de los Muertos

My first piece of artwork for El Dia de los Muertos. It is a jester (or fool) in celebration of April Fools Day. This is piece #2 for the Every Day Art Project.

Pen and watercolor pencils

Re-worked for Every Day Art Project

Re-worked the 3 men in the park. This was drawn bigger on a 6x6 sheet of sketch paper. Again worked in pen and watercolor pencil. This is the first art piece for the Every Day Art Project.

The assignment is to produce one 6x6 piece of art every day for 31 days. Once completed, they will be mailed in and then distributed amongst everyone who participated. I will receive back 30 pieces done by 30 other artists. Each of them will get one of my pieces. The 31st piece will be included in a "zine" that we can purchase. I assume we are to nominate our best piece for the "zine".

For added interest, we are being asked to work in a new material or new style or explore something new in creating these 31 pieces. My challenge of something "new" hasn't been clearly decided yet. I am not good at watercolor, so I thought that would be a good challenge for me. Also, I have wanted to work on Dia de los Muertos style artwork. So maybe I'll do a little of both for this project.

Personal crit: I can do better.

Sunday's Sketchcrawl

City Park in Denver - April 1, 2007

Three older gentlemen watching a pair of younger men playing tennis. It was a beautiful day in the park.

Pen and watercolor pencil.